

4829 Uppsatser om Text types - Sida 1 av 322

Romernas situation i Sverige : En studie över vilka typer av integrationsstrategier som återspeglas i Svensk politik

The focus in this study is on the situation of Roma in Sweden. The purpose is to see the integration strategies that are reflected in Swedish politics, considering the inclusion of Roma. Idea analysis has been used as method, and I have analysed the text to find expressions of four different ideal types that represent four different types of integrations processes. The material consists of the government?s strategy plan for the Roma?s inclusion in Sweden between 2012-2032.

Passage Retrieval: en litteraturstudie av ett forskningsområde inom information retrieval

The aim of this thesis is to describe passage retrieval (PR), with basis in results from various empirical experiments, and to critically investigate different approaches in PR. The main questions to be answered in the thesis are: (1) What characterizes PR? (2) What approaches have been proposed? (3) How well do the approaches work in experimental information retrieval (IR)? PR is a research topic in information retrieval, which instead of retrieving the fulltext of documents, that can lead to information overload for the user, tries to retrieve the most relevant passages in the documents. This technique was investigated studying a number of central articles in the research field. PR can be divided into three different types of approaches based on the segmentation of the documents.

?Det känns som att man tolkar texten utifrån var man befinner sig just nu?. En studie av det transaktionistiska förhållandet mellan läsare och text

This master?s thesis investigates the contextualized relation between a reader and a text, in a non classroom-oriented situation. I am studying the questions of (a) in what way a persons education, personal experiences and opinions, and (b) how the text; its design (language) and message, holds a function in ? and forms ? the reader-text relation. At the same time I am testing the theoretical framework of Louise Rosenblatt, for the purpose of finding an adequate method to analyze this relation.

Elevers meningsindelning : Användningen av interpunktion, konnektivbindning ochsatsradningar i elevtexter från årskurs 3 i svenska ochsvenska som andraspråk

The aim of this study is to analyse how pupils in grade three use punctuation and howthey divide texts into sentences. The material in the study consists of 41 texts by pupils,divided into two types: narrative text and analytical text, written both by pupils withSwedish as their first language and by pupils with Swedish as their second language. Inthe study the pupils? use of connectives and comma splices has been studied, and therelationship between graphical and syntactical sentences in the texts. The studycompares the results for narrative and analytical texts and the differences between L1and L2 pupils.

Läroplanen och nationen : En kritisk diskursanalys av nationalismen i svenska läroplaner 1878-1994

The essay explores nationalism in the curriculum of the swedish school from 1878 to 1994. The text has been undertaken an analysis in three levels of discourse based on Norman Faircloughs critical language analysis. The first level is the text, the second is types of discourses and the third is order of discourse.The nationalism in the curriculum has been related to three nationalistic types of discourses, derived from earlier studies on Swedish nationalism. They are conservative nationalism, ?folkhemsnationalism? and contemporary nationalism.

Läroplanen och nationen : En kritisk diskursanalys av nationalismen i svenskla läroplaner 1878-1994

The essay explores nationalism in the curriculum of the swedish school from 1878 to 1994. The text has been undertaken an analysis in three levels of discourse based on Norman Faircloughs critical language analysis. The first level is the text, the second is types of discourses and the third is order of discourse.The nationalism in the curriculum has been related to three nationalistic types of discourses, derived from earlier studies on Swedish nationalism. They are conservative nationalism, ?folkhemsnationalism? and contemporary nationalism.

Flickors och pojkars attityd i text : En studie av elevtexter i ar 5.

Den här undersökningen handlar om hur flickor respektive pojkar i en årskurs fem använder värderande uttryck i sina narrativa texter. 22 elevtexter, 11 skrivna av flickor och 11 skrivna av pojkar, har analyserats enligt Appraisal framework. Jag har undersökt hur många och vilka typer av värderande uttryck eleverna använder och även hur de har fördelat uttrycken över texterna i förhållande till den narrativa berättelsestrukturen. Resultaten visar att flickorna använder värderande uttryck i större utsträckning än pojkarna. Fördelningen över de olika typerna av värderande uttryck liksom fördelningen av uttrycken över texten är dock ganska likartad för flickorna och pojkarna.This study concerns the use of evaluation in narrative texts written by pupils in fifth grade.

Läsförmåga hos elever i årkurs 4 och 6 : med avseende på fakta- och inferensfrågor samt lässätt

The aim of the present study was to examine students' text comprehension in grades 4 and 6. Participants were 61 students without documented or suspected reading and writing difficulties, in grades 4 and 6. The focus was on texts designed by Bishop and Adams (1992), containing two types of questions: literal and inference questions, and three different ways of presenting the text; listening, silent reading and silent reading with the text available when responding to the questions. The texts have been previously used in research and as a tool for clinical, qualitative estimate of reading comprehension in speech and language pathologists? assessments.

Hur kan jag veta det när det inte står i texten? : Läsförståelse bland gymnasieelever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar

Studies show that some pupils with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) can have difficulties in understanding written texts. The present study seeks to examine whether pupils with ASD differ in their reading comprehension of a factual text and a literary text. Another aim of the study is to obtain a picture of the reading habits of high school pupils with ASD, what reading strategies they use, and how they work with texts in Swedish lessons in school.The study uses texts from PISA surveys from 2009 and 2000. The factual text Varmluftsballongen (The Hot-air Balloon) was taken from the try-out for the 2009 survey and the literary text Gåvan (The Gift) was taken from the 2000 PISA survey. To gain some idea of the pupils? reading comprehension of the texts, the present study used the tasks accompanying the texts, with certain changes in the questions about the text on the hot-air balloon.

Det nya Gustavsvik : -En studie av förnyelsen av en attraktion

Studies show that some pupils with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) can have difficulties in understanding written texts. The present study seeks to examine whether pupils with ASD differ in their reading comprehension of a factual text and a literary text. Another aim of the study is to obtain a picture of the reading habits of high school pupils with ASD, what reading strategies they use, and how they work with texts in Swedish lessons in school.The study uses texts from PISA surveys from 2009 and 2000. The factual text Varmluftsballongen (The Hot-air Balloon) was taken from the try-out for the 2009 survey and the literary text Gåvan (The Gift) was taken from the 2000 PISA survey. To gain some idea of the pupils? reading comprehension of the texts, the present study used the tasks accompanying the texts, with certain changes in the questions about the text on the hot-air balloon.

När läraren blir elev : En kvalitativ studie av argumenterande texter skrivna av lärare

The present study aims to examine how teachers write polemical articles. This genre often occurs in national standardized tests in Swedish schools. The study seeks to analyze argumentative structures in the articles. It also categorizes assessment notes written by the teachers in response to each others? articles, by interpreting response texts.    The examination shows that there is uncertainty among the teachers about how to create structures in argumentative Text types.

Det vidgade textbegreppet : i teori och praktik

This work is about the expanded conception of text and takes off in the use of this expression in the high school curriculum. The work begins with a theory chapter, where a few different definitions of text are the basis for reasoning about factors which can have contributed to an expansion of the conception. Hereby other important expressions, related to the expanded conception of text, as hypertext, multimedia and intermediality, are brought up. Further, is examined empirically how the expanded conception of text is interpreted, rhetorically and practically, by a few teachers in the High School. Finally, covered scientist?s theories are discussed and compared with the concluded empiric data.The study shows however, that the expanded conception of text in the curriculum has not become a conception for the teachers who were interviewed.

Dostoevskijs Anteckningar från Döda huset och Dantes Gudomliga komedi. Del I: Kronotop

Studies show that some pupils with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) can have difficulties in understanding written texts. The present study seeks to examine whether pupils with ASD differ in their reading comprehension of a factual text and a literary text. Another aim of the study is to obtain a picture of the reading habits of high school pupils with ASD, what reading strategies they use, and how they work with texts in Swedish lessons in school.The study uses texts from PISA surveys from 2009 and 2000. The factual text Varmluftsballongen (The Hot-air Balloon) was taken from the try-out for the 2009 survey and the literary text Gåvan (The Gift) was taken from the 2000 PISA survey. To gain some idea of the pupils? reading comprehension of the texts, the present study used the tasks accompanying the texts, with certain changes in the questions about the text on the hot-air balloon.

Översättning enligt normer : En kommenterad översättning av en IT-text

This thesis is comprised of an annotated translation of an English IT-text into Swedish. The source text is the installation manual for the software SDL Trados Studio 2014 and the thesis also contains a text analysis of the source text. The goal of the translation has been to use norms in the target culture and thus move the translation toward acceptability. The thesis therefore discusses norms based on Toury's (1995) framework.The thesis also contains an empirical study of the translation of three different IT-texts. The study shows that, when it comes to the specific norms investigated in the study, Swedish translations of IT-texts are guided by norms in both the source culture and the target culture..

Sunt förnuft : populism i politiska partiers valpropaganda

This study attempts to answer the question of whether the propaganda of the Swedish political parties ?Socialdemokraterna?, and/or ?Sverigedemokraterna?, used for the election to the European parliament 2009, are to be viewed as populistic. Furthermore, is the propaganda to viewed as included in the ?Classical populism?, the ?New populism?, both, or none of the above genres? With a theoretical approach deriving from earlier works on the subject Classical/New populism from a number of writers, the study uses empirical and qualitative text analysis to study the parties propaganda. For each of the two genres of populism an ideal type is set up, which is used to define their core elements.

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